Sep 11, 2019#20 Goal Setting and Life Planning in MarriageDespite technical difficulties, Grace and Zach sit down to discuss a topic they wish they’d had more information on early in...
Jul 16, 2019#14 Wisdom from 38 Years of Marriage (a.k.a. Talk 2) ft Robin and Jan JensenZach Jensen and his parents Robin and Jan join Grace to share wisdom from thirty-eight years of marriage. They have a tradition of giving...
Jul 9, 2019#13 Building a Lasting Connection Part 2 ft. Dr. Rebecca JorgensenDr. Rebecca Jorgensen, a psychologist of over 30 years, joins Grace Jensen to complete this two part series on building a lasting...
Jul 8, 2019#12 Building a Lasting Connection Part 1 ft. Dr. Debi GilmoreThe magnetic Dr. Debi Gilmore joins Grace Jensen for an episode packed with tools for building and maintaining bonds. We first hear...
Jun 25, 2019#11 How to Fall in Love. . . and Fall BACK in LoveWorld-renowned couples therapist Dr. Scott Woolley joins his daughter Grace Jensen to explain the science behind falling in and out of...
Jun 24, 2019#10- Mental Illness in Marriage ft. Jaimee SmartJaimee Smart (from episodes 7 and 8 on grief) returns to discuss mental health with Grace Jensen. Jaimee discovered through experience...
Jun 11, 2019#9 Sex- To the Wedding Night, and Beyond!Grace Jensen and her husband Zach discuss both the helpful conversations to have before having sex for the first time as well as things...
Jun 11, 2019#8-Supporting a Spouse Through the Unexpected Death of a Parent ft. Jaimee and Colton SmartThis episode is the second part to last week’s episode, a continuation of the discussion of what to do when a spouse loses and parent,...
Jun 11, 2019#3- Making Friends as a Couple ft. Marley and Jarom MadsenYou’re a newlywed, married to your best friend. After the honeymoon phase, you and your spouse are ready to make friends as a couple, but...
Jun 11, 2019#1- The Basics of Getting Along with In-LawsOne of the biggest adjustments for newlyweds is getting to know your new side of the family, especially the in-laws. Getting to know and...